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The Surprising Power of Competing Franchise Stores.

In the world of franchising, competition is often seen as a threat. Franchise owners strive to outshine their rivals, attract customers, and drive sales. But what if we told you that having competing franchise stores next to each other could actually boost the success of both? It may sound counterintuitive, but let's explore the intriguing marketing phenomenon that demonstrates how rival stores can work in harmony and ultimately lead to increased sales.

Imagine this scenario: you have a Steers franchise store in a bustling mall, and it sells an average of one hundred meals each day. Now, let's introduce a Fishaways franchise store right next to it. The initial assumption might be that each store would sell fewer meals, perhaps fifty to fifty or sixty to forty. However, the reality is quite different.

This marketing technique operates on a simple principle: when there is only one store, customers ask themselves whether they want a meal from Steers or not. However, when there are two competing stores side by side, the question becomes whether they want a meal from Steers or Fishaways. This subtle shift in the decision-making process can have remarkable effects on sales.

Contrary to expectation, the presence of a rival franchise store actually tends to increase sales for both parties. The intriguing psychology behind this phenomenon lies in the power of choice and the increased visibility and competition it brings. Customers are presented with a decision to make, and the mere presence of an alternative option can spark a desire to try something new or compare the offerings.

This phenomenon has been observed in various industries, and the franchising world is no exception. Customers are naturally curious beings, and the presence of two competing stores fuels their sense of exploration. They may choose to alternate between Steers and Fishaways, or they might even introduce their friends to both, creating a buzz of excitement around the neighboring franchises.

Furthermore, this marketing technique taps into the basic principles of supply and demand. By having two franchise stores side by side, the supply of meals increases. This abundance can create a sense of urgency and scarcity for customers who fear missing out on their favorite dishes. As a result, the overall demand for meals rises, leading to increased sales for both Steers and Fishaways.

It's important to note that this phenomenon isn't limited to just food franchises. It can apply to various franchise industries, such as retail, fitness, or service-based businesses. The key is to embrace the concept of healthy competition and understand that the presence of a rival franchise doesn't necessarily mean a loss of customers or sales. Instead, it opens up new avenues for growth and mutually beneficial success.

So, next time you consider the placement of your franchise store, remember the surprising power of having a friendly competitor nearby. Embrace the opportunity for growth, and let the spirit of competition pave the way to greater success for your franchise business.


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